This Recently Married Man Just Realized Marriage Is Not For Him


I just read this blog post and had to share it with you.  Don’t be fooled by the title. If you are married or thinking about getting married, you need to read this…

This Recently Married Man Just Realized Marriage Is Not For Him.’

Now ask yourself the following questions:

1. “What type of sacrifices am I willing to make for my spouse?”

2. “Am I making these types sacrifices currently in my life?”

3. “If not, what is keeping me from doing so?”

If you don’t have any answers, I invite you to think seriously about it.

I would love to read your thoughts on this. Post your answers below!

In the meantime, I will leave you with this quote…

” There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep a house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.”  Homer



About Life According to Louise

Growing up, I have always been the "Listener/Advice person" within my group of friends. I love people, I love to help and I guess I am a bit of a romantic. I always push for the win-win situation. As I grew older the questions I have been asked became more complex and frequent. I listened and answered them to the best of my abilities. This blog was created to answer some of the more common questions that I get or just found interesting... I will even answer your questions if you let me... Though I am a certified life coach, this blog should by no means be seen as a place to receive professional help. I dole out my responses based on my experience and opinions, hence the name, "Life According to Louise". I am not a professional thereby not responsible for any advice you take. I hope that someone finds something of value here. To all who stop by I just want to say, WELCOME! Blessings, Louise

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