Category Archives: Church

Why We as Women Need to Ease Up On Men. — The Good Men Project


the plow man better watch out - feb 16, 2008 #...

Why are men the way they are?  Click on the link below and read this great post…

Why We as Women Need to Ease Up On Men. — The Good Men Project.

Yep. They have emotions and insecurities just like us.  Who’da thunk it?

Is it possible to have a relationship where a man can be vulnerable and not come across as weak or immature to his special lady?

What do you think?

I think we need to let go of gender stereotypes and accept people as they are.  In the end, I think we would have less disappointments because we avoided the you-are-supposed-to-be-act-ect-like-this game.

What would authenticity in a relationship look like in you life?

I will leave you with this quote…

“Real connection (and if it’s LOVE, then real love)–goes beyond those not-so-perfect and superficial and idiosyncratic things that simply make us individuals. The trust and longevity of a relationship between two individuals is established through time and learning each other, and discovering a harmony at the core of their connection. And it becomes powerful because of where it resides–at the center of who we are–the very essence of our being.”

-Kelli Jae Baeli



thegodmolecule: here is a tribe in Africa where…


Mother and child, Zimbabwe

This is a beautiful and creative expression of love and nurturing of a child. Please read…

thegodmolecule: here is a tribe in Africa where….

  • If you had to write a song  for your child what would it be?
  • What are some of the lyrics?
  • If  you had a parent who decided to write a song from the moment he/she decided he/she wanted to conceive you, what would you have hoped it would have been?
  • If you had to write a song for your future child with your significant other, could you?  Why/why not?

I leave you with this quote…

“Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”  David Ogden Stiers



Read more at 

This Recently Married Man Just Realized Marriage Is Not For Him


I just read this blog post and had to share it with you.  Don’t be fooled by the title. If you are married or thinking about getting married, you need to read this…

This Recently Married Man Just Realized Marriage Is Not For Him.’

Now ask yourself the following questions:

1. “What type of sacrifices am I willing to make for my spouse?”

2. “Am I making these types sacrifices currently in my life?”

3. “If not, what is keeping me from doing so?”

If you don’t have any answers, I invite you to think seriously about it.

I would love to read your thoughts on this. Post your answers below!

In the meantime, I will leave you with this quote…

” There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep a house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.”  Homer



Question number 10: Why are men slow when it comes to asking me out?


Dear Louise, 

I am a beautiful single woman and I am tired of it.  I know a lot of guys but none of them are asking me out.  I know for a fact that there are one or two who are attracted to me but they are not making any moves.  What is up with guys nowadays?  I feel like they are lazy, or too intimidated to ask me out.  What is the deal?



Dear Tired,

Come my child… Let me give you a hug… There, there little one.  All will be well.  I want to start by apologizing for the late reply.  I recently relocated to NYC and the move was a little bit hectic.  Yet I have missed you, my readers much!  Ok, back to your question.  Unfortunately, yours is a common problem.  I have heard countless complaints about women who feel like they are left on a shelf somewhere constantly overlooked by men and I want you to know that my heart goes out to you.  There is a group of strong, independent, beautiful women who are perplexed because they are still single and rightly so. If you are the package, (beautiful, educated, employed, intelligent, funny, kind, you name it…) why are you single???  This is mind-boggling…  Well I have been talking to my group of male confidants to find an answer and I will share with you some of the things I have found out…

1. Men are confused

Why are men confused, you ask?  because you are sending mixed signals!  I said it!  Don’t bother to deny it!  Yes you are!!!  Listen, you walk into a room you notice him immediately and you know he notices you. You become excited then you begin to play what I call ‘crazy games’.  He tries to say hi to you but you ignore him.  You let him say hi to you but you spend the bulk of your time talking to everyone but him.  You put him in the friend zone.  You say mean things to him.  Why?  Because this is your version of playing “hard to get”.  Heaven forbid he would think that you were open.  He might mistake it for being easy.  Should you be easy?  Of course not!  But I think that the definitions of easy and hard to get needs to be looked at again.  Ask yourself, what should being easy or playing hard to get look like in my life?

2. Men are realistic

Before a guy approaches you he studies you and pretty much knows if you are ready to be approached by him for real.  Its kind of scary what he knows about you by the time he  has a serious conversation with you. He may already know that you wouldn’t give him the time of day because he doesn’t dress right or present himself like the guy he knows you actually have a crush on… Do you know that there is a a group of men who feels like they are on the shelf as well?  this is because a lot of women are too busy chasing mr. popularity, mr. dress well/looks fine, mr. deep voice tall man with shiny shoes and he knows for a fact that he doesn’t fall within that category.  Why bother if you know you are wasting your time.  It’s not realistic. That’s what he said…

3. Men are intimidated

I know, I know… Steve Harvey has asked us to switch the word out for ashamed.  In his book, “Act Like a Lady Think Like a Man”  he mentioned that a man might feel shame because he doesn’t feel like he is at the level he needs to be to court a woman like you and I agree with him. However, I don’t know if shame encompasses everything.   When he look at someone he is interested he sees you as high and exalted.  Sometimes women can be scary.  Especially if they don’t-need-a-man-for-anything!  I was talking to a male friend of mine the other day and he shared with me that men wanted to be the ‘Hero’ in the life of the women they loved.  He wants to be able to save the day for her, but we live in a place where unfortunately a lot of women are not allowing men the chance to be there for them.  Here’s an example…  I was in room filled with people at an event that just ended.  The event coordinators were primarily women – beautiful women.  They began the clean up process which included breaking down tables and putting chairs away.  When a few of them went lift a table a few men volunteered to help.  They instantly said no that they had it under control.  I watch the men insist (you could tell they wanted to do something nice for these ladies) but the ladies insisted vehemently that they “Have got this”.  Attention Ladies: If a man wants to be chivalrous please, Please, PLEASE let them. Get used to having the opposite sex cater to you.  Not just your romantic partner, your father, uncle, brother, male friend, neighbor.  Enjoy the perks of being a woman.  We all know that you can do it for yourself.  Everyone knows that you are more than capable of handling anything that comes your way, but isn’t it nice when someone else steps in and helps out just because they want to be nice.. to you???  I have seen women become so angry over a man trying to be polite that he gave up.  it’s intimidating to try to swim through all of that force.  Be careful that your wonder woman persona doesn’t get in the way of love.  To everything there is a season.  There’s a time to give and a time to receive.  I beg of you, please, when the opportunity comes, receive gracefully.

Ok… I think I have said enough for now.

I will leave you with this quote. “You don’t have to be perfect to let somebody love you. Remember, being yourself is the best way to make somebody fall in love with you.”  -Unknown

All the best,


Have any advice?  Share it!  If you have any comments, feel free to post them below.  Any questions can be sent to

Question number nine: Where are the single men over thirty?


English: Love Question

Dear Louise,

Congratulations on your blog.  I pray that God blesses you to have a lot of success!  Here is my question.  Please be patient as I try to explain myself.  When I was younger, I was always told that when I grow up, I will get married to the man God has chosen for me.  I became and adult and that man never came.  As I grew older, I went from the don’t-worry-just-wait-on-God club to the 20 questions interrogation Are-you-looking?-Did-you-make-a-list?-Did-you-pray-about-this?-Did-you-fast-and-pray? club to receiving pitying-glances-from-across-the room-because-she-never-got-married club. I’ve experienced being patronized, looked down on, disrespected and laughed at from others because of my singleness.  But the worst is when someone acts as if all of my emotions and life has dried up and died because of my age.  I actually heard a person say, that I no longer have romantic feelings because I am old.  I am in my thirties!  I heard this pastor say that some of us will never get married especially if we are older because the women outnumber the men and we need to just ‘deal with it’. On that note, where are the men???  I felt like the pastor was saying, ‘get over it already!’ Is it too late for me?  Should I just give up on love?  If so, what should I do with all these emotions and this deep desire to for companionship in the shape of a mate?   So, I wonder… Is that it for me?  Do I give up and accept my fate as a modern-day spinster?” (Yikes!  It makes me cringe just thinking about it). 

Thank you,

Still Single

Dear Still Single,

Don’t you dare give up!!!  Don’t you dare.  Not even a little bit!  There are still a lot of good single men out there who desire a deep committed relationship with a good woman. Yes even a woman who is in her thirties or above.  Honestly? I don’t believe that a woman is single because there is a lack of prospects  – I just don’t.  Is its easier to meet men when you are younger?  Yes, you definitely have more time and opportunities.  However as you get older, you become preoccupied with work and responsibilities. I know many examples of men and women whose social life took a backseat as they focused on building their careers and establishing financial security for themselves.  When you are over thirty you will have to become more creative in meeting like-minded individuals not because they do not exist.  They exist! Because they are busy with their lives. Trust me, they are wondering where you are as well.  So where are they?  I called some of my male friends to spill the beans and  here are three places where single men over thirty dwell…

1.  At work

I’ve met plenty of men who felt like they couldn’t get married until they were financially stable or until they felt they had all of their ducks in a row.   I find men to be very practical and responsible.  A good man knows that it marriage is expensive and deeply desires to be able to  provide for their family. This means a lot of time will be spent working on financial security, building status, making a name for himself… By the way, let me get on my soapbox for a moment… You wouldn’t believe the overwhelming self-esteem issues that some men have. It takes a lot of confidence to approach a woman & pursue something and to be in a relationship you do have to think that you have some thing to offer. Some guys don’t think they could maintain interest in a woman & consider themselves to be deficient. Therefore, they don’t bother until they feel like they are in a better position.

3. Online Dating Sites

As I said before, I find that men are extremely practical.  They look for the most logical and expedient way to get from point A to B. This makes online dating a very attractive solution.  From the comfort of their office or home, they could screen the opposite sex, take all the time they need to write a witty repartee, go out on dates and if it doesn’t work out rinse and repeat. The cool part is this – you can do this too!  Dating online today is widely accepted.  I now have lost count of how many couples I know who met online and are now married.  Make sure you proceed with caution (as you would in a face to face situation).  However, be open to letting go of fear and creating an authentic connection.  You just might be pleasantly surprised.

4. At home

Within the last few years I have been talking to more men about relationships which is always lots of fun.  However, on this journey, I came across a group of men that I don’t know where to place.  They are single and not dating.  They are not even trying to date…  They are not gay or a confirmed bachelor.  They want to be in a relationship, yet they are doing nothing about it!  I call them the sloth.  They go to work, they come home, they go to sleep and wake up the next morning to do it all over again.  They make no effort to meet, and connect with women. It’s like they gave up, maybe?  Very confusing…  I can’t give you more information about these gentlemen, but I intend to do more research and revisit this topic again.  I will say this, look around you.  In you circle of friends, in your neighborhood, in your church…  Is there anyone who’s just… there???  Find out why.  He may just be a diamond in the rough.  Again, many men are a lot  more shy than we might image.

I want you to be encouraged, this past year alone, I have had several of my female friends who are in their late thirties and early forties enter into relationships, got married, had children.  True story – It’s never too late!  I ask you to please, stay open and give “him” a chance.  I will leave you with this quote.

“If grass can grow through cement, love can find you at every time in your life.”

All the best,


I need YOUR Advice on this one! Please help.  If you have any comments, feel free to post them below.  Any questions can be sent to

Question number eight: How can I help a friend who is grieving the loss of a loved one?


Dear Louise,

My friend is suffering due to a death in their immediate family.  I want to reach out to help but I don’t want to intrude. Do you have some tips on how I can be supportive without overstepping my boundaries?


-A Friend Who Cares

Dear Friend,

There are very few things in life worst than experiencing the death of a loved one. Providing support for someone who is grieving can be challenging.  With one wrong move we can say or do something that might act as a trigger and create more pain to an already hard situation.  However, it is not good to stand back and do nothing.  I have lived long enough to have lost, unfortunately, many loved ones.  I have also had the privilege to be able to support friends and family who were in mourning.   What I have learned along the way is that what the mourner needs from others the most for us to apply the principles of L.O.V.E.  I created this acronym to stand for the following:  L- Listen, O- Observe, V-Value, E-Empathize

1. Listen:

Take time to listen.  Listening is a skill that needs to be learned.  You are effectively listening when you let the other person speak freely without interruption, without interruption, without interruption!!!  This is not the time to give advice or share your opinion, story, point of view etc…  If you truly want to listen, then you must truly be quiet and allow the other person to speak for as long as they want until THEY feel that they have been heard.  A person who is grieving may want to talk about their feelings and need someone whom they can trust to speak to.  If that person is you please remember that its about them not you.  This will require humility, and patience.


2. Observe:

In other words, pay attention to your surroundings to the person who is mourning. Become acclimated with their mannerism and look for opportunities to help.  Buy groceries if you notice they are missing.  If the doorbell is ringing, answer it.  Paying attention allows you to help in specific ways.  For example, you notice you’re your friend’s home is a little untidy and you know there are guest coming.  You can offer to help clean.  This is more beneficial then saying, “If you need anything let me know.” Most people who are mourning are generally so overwhelmed that they wouldn’t even know what to ask for.  So offer to give rides to out of town relatives instead.  You will find more to do by building your observation skills.  By the way, always give them the option to say no and respect it.

3. Value:

Value is about respect.  Do not judge mourner behavior or words in a negative light.  You might see a person who is grieving say or do something strange.  If it is not hurting anyone, leave him or her to it.  Their journey is their own.  They have a right to their feelings and emotions.   They have a right to do what they need to in order to find healing and peace.  Never belittle them, instead, quietly support them.

4. Empathize:

To truly understand somebody, you have to walk in their shoes.  You will see behavior that may not make any sense if you judge it from your worldview and perspective.  You must try to image what life looks like at that moment using their filter.  When in doubt always ask yourself, “If I were in their shoes, what would I have done?” This will help you be more sensitive to their needs and enable you to be able to help effectively.

There is a lot of information out there on this topic.  I encourage you to read books on this topic, look up blogs, and talk to some professional counselors and clergy for advice.  The sad truth is this.  Sooner or later we will all be in a positions where our friend will need our help because they are grieving.  May we all be ready…  I will leave you with this quote.

Grief is not a disorder, a disease or a sign of weakness. It is an emotional, physical and spiritual necessity, the price you pay for love. The only cure for grief is to grieve. – Earl Grollman



If you have any comments, feel free to post them below.  Any questions can be sent to

Question number seven: How can resist emotional blackmail?



Pug Blackmail

Dear Louise,

I am thinking about breaking up with one of my friends.  This person always has to have their way and when they don’t they use guilt as a stick to beat me down.  It’s usually very subtle and I am tired of being around them.  I don’t even like who I am when I am with them.  I have spoken to this person about this behavior and they denied it saying that it was my issue.  They also said that I am too sensitive and they are only keeping it “real”.  Whatever that means!  What should I do?

– Fed up

Dear Fed up,

If what you are telling me is true then it sounds like you are dealing with a manipulative tactic called Emotional Blackmail (EB).

1. What is Emotional Blackmail?

Psychotherapist, Susan Forward defined emotional blackmail (EB) as a powerful form of manipulation in which blackmailers who are close to the victim threatens punishment, either directly or indirectly, in order to get what they want.  This can only work of the emotional blackmailer (EB) is a close relation or friend.  These individuals know where you feel the most vulnerable and will use it against you if it will help them.  You know you have been the victim of emotional blackmail when you feel emotionally drained, insecure, guilty or vulnerable in response to something someone said after you have rejected their request.

2. Examples of Emotional Blackmail…

The emotional blackmailer will say or imply some of the following:

“After all I’ve done for you…”

“How could you be so selfish…”

“I would do it for you…”

They bank on the fact that their victim want love and acceptance and have no problem using fear, obligation and guilt to get their way.  If you feel that you are being a victim of EB, here is one tactic that might help you.

3. Flat out rejection

If you feel you are being emotionally blackmailed into doing something that you don’t want to. For instance, you are being pressured to host a game night at your home when its inconvenient.  Flat out refuse. (This will take courage, mind you…) They may say, “What’s the problem? Why can’t you? I do it all the time!” Don’t worry about the emotions of guilt or shame that will rise within you.  They are there only because they have been triggered by this individual.  When you get a chance, privately go over the event to see if what you did what in fact rational.  You may find that it was but you are still feeling guilty.  Think about what is making you feel guilty.  Does it make sense?  If not.  Let it go.   Be warned, true EB’s will try to corner you into submission before you had time to think it through.  Don’t let them.  Rinse and repeat and the offender will probably leave you alone.  Sometimes completely alone!  You may lose a friend, but the good news is this.  If they do go way they were never your friend to begin with.

I hope you find this helpful.  I will leave you with this quote.

“If we are going to be kind, let it be out of simple generosity, not because we fear guilt or retribution.”
J.M. Coetzee

All the best,


For more information, Susan Forward wrote a great book on the subject called (you guessed it!) “Emotional Blackmail”. Check it out!

Are you a victim of Emotional Blackmail? Feel free to share your story or offer any advice here.  I just ask that you remain respectful in what you say. If you have any questions for me send them to  I would love to hear from you!  Just remember, I am not a licensed therapist therefore not liable for any advice that is shared here. – Blessings! 


Question number four: I’m dating an agnostic. If we marry, what will happen to our kids?



“Dear Louise,

I am a Christian that is dating a great guy who is perfect in everyday except one… He is agnostic. If we get married, I want our children to be raised as Christians.  How should I go about approaching this situation?”


Christian Lady

Dear Christian Lady,

I am glad you decided to tackle this issue while you are still dating.  Dating someone whose religious beliefs differs from yours heightens the challenges you already have in a relationship.  You say your a Christian, so I am assuming that you know about the scripture that says “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers” 2 Cor 6:14. As a Christian I am also assuming that you are praying for God’s will in both your lives about this.  This, at its core, is an issue of compatibility. An ideal situation would be to marry someone who share your same core values and religious belief.  However, more and more singles are connecting with people not just of different faith but of questioning or no faith at all.  What is a single person to do?  Especially since women out number men in the church?  Since your question concerns how to approach your significant other to discuss a difficult topic I will offer the following response.  Pray a lot!  Make him a nice dinner and talk to him about it (you may have to revisit this topic a few times).  During this process, consider the following…

1. Level of respect of values

When you speak about your concerns to raise your children in a religious context, does he listen respectfully or does he show disdain?  Seriously, how does he feel about the fact that you are a Christian? Is that something about you that he would like to change or can he respect and honor your belief.  Are you comfortable talking to each other about challenging subjects such or do you avoid confrontation? On the flip side can you listen to him speak about his agnostic views without rolling your eyes or wanting to shut him down?  Are you hoping he will eventually change and be converted? If he doesn’t convert are the other elements in your relationship strong enough to keep you together? Does being a Christian dictate your lifestyle and can your lifestyle complement his ’til death do you part?

2. What are the terms for your agreement?

You want your children to be raised as Christians, but what does that mean?  What would that look like in you every day life?  Does it mean that you will take the kids to church every week while he stays home?  Does it mean that he will come with you and play the role of a Christian for the sake of the kids?  Does it mean that you can freely be a Christian and he can feel free to be an agnostic in front of the kids?  If Dad is free to be agnostic, how will you feel if your children decide they want to do what Dad does?  Can you live with that?  What kind of reaction of support would you want from your husband?  Does his feelings matter at all in any of this?  You may want to meet with a mediator or counselor to sort this out.

3.  If he doesn’t agree, then what?

Is this a deal breaker?  Can you stay with him or will you leave him? What kind of relationship are you looking for and does this meet your ideal?  Whether you come to some kind of agreement or not you should ask yourself why this is so important to you?  Is this really the only way? Are there no other solutions?

I have seen a few interfaith and faith-no-faith marriages that stood the test of time.  In all those instances someone always succumbed to the lifestyle of the other.  I think you have decided who that should be.  The question is whether or not he will feel the same way.

I will leave you with this quote:

“I have no way of knowing whether or not you married the wrong person, but I do know that many people have a lot of wrong ideas about marriage and what it takes to make that marriage happy and successful. I’ll be the first to admit that it’s possible that you did marry the wrong person. However, if you treat the wrong person like the right person, you could well end up having married the right person after all. On the other hand, if you marry the right person, and treat that person wrong, you certainly will have ended up marrying the wrong person. I also know that it is far more important to be the right kind of person than it is to marry the rightperson. In short, whether you married the right or wrong person is primarily up to you.”
— Zig Ziglar

Do you have any comments, or advice?  Feel free to post them!  I just ask that you remain respectful in what you say.   If you have any questions for me send them to  I would love to hear from you!  Just remember, I am not a licensed therapist therefore not liable for any adverse reaction to this blog. You will get your answer based on life according to me – Louise.  

Question number two: Why do I keep attracting men who are married or in a relationship?


“Dear Louise,

Congratulations on your new blog! I am so happy for you!  This is my question. Why do I keep attracting men who are taken (married, in a relationship)?  I know my worth and I am above playing second fiddle! These guys are disgusting!  Yet that is all I seem to be attracting.  No one single.  But if they are in a relationship, they seem to find time to harass me. What am I doing wrong? The worst part is that they are in the church!!! Why can’t I attract someone who is single? Am I sending out a wrong vibe?  If so, what can I do to change that and attract a good SINGLE man?”

Hi There!

Thank you for your uplifting words.  Please feel free to share this blog with all of your friends.  I hope it’s a blessing to you.  As for your question… It’s really disappointing to hear that this type of behavior is going on period, much less in the church.  unfortunately, this is one of the pitfalls that a single woman has to look out for.  There are men out there (yes, even in the church) who just aren’t honorable.  They are selfish, self-absorbed liars that look out only for number one.  In the interest of fairness, I want to state that I know that there are women like this as well.  I don’t want to be unfair.  Since this question came from a woman, we will approach this from a female perspective.  I met a woman who approached me with the same situation. it all about killed her self-esteem because she felt so dirty after each encounter.  She wondered if these men spoke to each other because their behavior was so similar.  After some serious questioning and soul-searching we discovered the following that you might find helpful in your situation…

1.  Sometimes we attract the wrong men because we’re subconsciously afraid of attracting the right one. Attracting a good man offers the possibility of a committed relationship, and that can be scary. So I want you to ask yourself, “If Mr. right were to show up right now, would I be ready to receive him?” “Am I sure?” Why? Why not?  If your answer is no.  You might have a wall up that is blocking him or anyone like him from accessing you yet allowing mr. wrong in because you know they have no chance whatsoever.

2. There ARE single men around but they aren’t viewed by you as attractive. My good friend came up with this theory that the majority of men or women spend their time chasing and being attracted to the same eight people who everyone else wants.  There is no way that these eight individuals can marry everyone therefore someone will lose out.  However, while this chase is going on good, viable single men and women are simultaneously being overlooked because they do not meet the “criteria” (which is more often than not, superficial).  If they are being overlooked guess what’s left?  All you will see are the bad apples.  Take a good look around you.  Are you really ONLY attracting married and taken men Or are there any single men that are approaching you but you are not noticing because they are not your “type”?  I am not telling  you to lower your standards, I am asking you to look at your mental list and see if it’s realistic or reasonable. It just might need some tweaking…

3.  Stop being so nice! Let me tell you what I mean by nice.  I think the word nice is misunderstood therefore misused.  Women are raised to be nice all of the time.  Remember the story the Bible of the 10 virgins in Mt 25:6 – 7 ?  Five were wise and five were foolish.  The foolish virgins used up their lamp oil and asked the wise virgins to share their oil with them.  The wise virgins did something that women rarely do. They refused, stating that there was not enough oil for everyone.  They went so far as to instruct the foolish virgins to go buy their own oil. While the five foolish virgins were buying their oil they missed out on receiving the bridegroom.  Had the wise virgins given away their oil then all ten would have missed out.  This is a great example of women setting clear and healthy boundaries which makes this story unique.  Most of the women I know would have given the oil and asked God why they missed out.  There are times in your life when it’s appropriate to set up clear boundaries to protect yourself. Please note: Even if it means hurting someone else’s feelings (not intentionally, mind you, but it happens).  Too often, I see a woman get hurt because she thought to be nice (AKA a good Christian) is synonymous with being a doormat. Manipulative individuals bank on this belief in order to get away with bad behavior.  Please protect yourself!

You may be sending a subconscious message to these men, but they are also sending a message to you.  It is one that says they do not respect you, their family, God and themselves.  Feel free to set your boundaries clearly and firmly.  Give no thought to their feelings, they are obviously not thinking about yours.

I know that there are exceptions to every rule, but if this is happening to you constantly then something is up.  Please search your heart to discover what you really want and when you want it.  Does it line up with God’s will for your life?  If so, embody it and your non-verbal messages will be clear for all to see.

I leave you with this quote.

“It ain’t what they call you, it’s what you answer to.”
~W.C. Fields

All the best,


Feel free to leave a comment below.  If you have any questions send them to me at  I would love to hear from you!  Just remember, I am not a licensed therapist. You will get your answer based on life according to me – Louise.  Blessings!